Monday, September 4, 2017

Biophobia and Biophilia: Two kinds of people

     In the natural sciences, emphasis is always placed on hydrophobic and hydrophilic atoms and elements. In a cell, the cell membrane is composed of hydrophobic tails, and hydrophilic heads. The tails hate water, whereas the heads love water. This applies to biophobia and biophilia. People who are biophobic do not like nature, while biophilic people love to be outside exploring. "Biophobia ranges from discomfort in natural places to active scorn for whatever is not manmade, managed, or air-conditioned, and it is the urge to affiliate with technology, human artifacts, and solely with human interest regarding the natural world" (University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future, 2011, pg.186-187).

     In Love It or Lose It: The Coming Biophilia Revolution, Orr describes a world where there is no natural nature, it is all fabricated by technology, and people want to go to space to live. These biophobic people want to create and be surrounded by nature that is not real. The nature is all fabricated. Orr also states that we need to decide to "be biophobic or biophilic because science and technology have given us the power to destroy so completely as well as the knowledge to understand the consequences of doing so"(University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future, 2011, p.188). Since biophobic people are deciding to destroy nature, we need to come up with ways of sustainability, and ideas on how we can save the Earth. By saving the Earth, biophobic people might start to realize the need to save the forests and oceans, and become nature lovers. We need to create sustainable farming, energy, factories, etc., so more forests do not have to be cut down. By having health nature all around us, more people will switch to biophilic, nature lovers, and want to save the Earth. If we do not save the Earth, we will be visiting trees that were reproduced, and live in a museum or greenhouse, and have to pay a fortune to visit. Right now, in most places you can walk outside and see a tree or flower. If we do not start now, we will be living in a world with "fabricated life on Earth, molecular machines, and controlling nature"(University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future, 2011, p.189).
     Orr describes another phenomena, topophilia. This phenomena "includes all of the human being's affective ties with the material environment"(University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future, 2011, p.194). What this is describing is, you have a greater connection to a place that you are familiar with, and have a genuine connection to take care of it, and be a part of that place. For example, if you grow up in New York City, you are used to the busy streets, skyscrapers, people, and the occasional tree and bush. If you live in the prairies, you feel a connection to the animals, lakes, and mountains. Some people who live in the city can love nature, and people out in the country can hate it, but you get to decide if you want to be biophilic or biophobic. Either way, both sides need to come together to save this one Earth for everyone to enjoy. 
Works Cited
Orr, D.(2011). Excerpt from Love it or lose it: The coming biophilia revolution. In University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future. (pp.186-211). Acton, MA: XanEdu Publishing

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